

Serpentine (2) SSOC

“Why can’t I see you in my class?” Snape嘶声质问这个最近让他过分劳神的学生。一个月都没来上魔药课!傲慢无礼!他觉得自己没在Koo踏进地窖的第一步就对她施个恶咒真是仁慈,即使是赫奇帕奇的学生也会赞美他的忍耐。

“Because I did not choose Potion class this year, sir.”

“And why?” 她压根没选!!!Snape油亮的脑门上一根血管正突突地跳着。

“Well, professor—”

“I thought I was your ‘favorite teacher’!”

A quick bash emerged on her face. So he did know it.

“教授,我想我们去年讨论过这个不是吗,就在额,在学生就业指导会上,我跟您说过我想成为圣芒戈的医生,just like my father—”

“And don’t you think an advanced potion course will do you better?”

“Yes, yes of course, but the saint mange has implemented a new requirement this year that every candidate should take at least one year of training at hospital, and that clashes with the potion class, so…”

Long silence.

“Then you shall take it in my office on weekends.”


“Unless you are overwhelmed by your training and all the goblet stuff.”

“No! I mean, of course I would love to, but—”

“Then so be it. I shall meet you at 7am on Saturday.”

“Yes, sir.”



“You can go now.”



“You are my favorite professor.” Then Koo ran away like she was chased by a Blast-Ended Skrewt.

Severus went on with his paper work, with a hidden smile creeping on his face.



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